the gift that keeps on giving

small pieces of you handed over

from the 44th floor below

suddenly turn the vertical over

in an horizontal chateau.

there are no borders or passwords

there is no looking up

all roads go forwards and backwords

no need for speaking up.

the chateau gains some speed

no engine, no ticket, no conductor,

your spot is guaranteed

no doubt a semiconductor.

the piece of you you gave away

returns & heals the bleeding

ex-floors - now moving chambers of chalet

become gifts from all succeeding.

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Irina TomaComment
squring the circle

Why would I measure

The Depth of your well

With a glass the size of my palm?

Why would you measure

The temperature of my charcoal fueled furnace

With a ruler that fits in your pocket?

As long as there is

water and fire in us both

We’ll know when it’s time

to drawn or set it on fire.

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Irina Toma

I’m not sure what’s more schizophrenic:

Holding hearts and feeling nothing,

Not holding hands and feeling everything.

Anticipation of craziness,

Boredom of the developing lunatic.

Euphoria meets me halfway.

We’re holding hearts and feeling everything.

Enjoying craziness while developing.

On the verge, but not quite:

You can’t fall forward,

You can’t fall backwards.

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Irina Toma
Master Chef

When was the last time you cooked something new?

I bet you do it every day.

Was it made out of your body parts?

Does it have cognitive sprinkles on top?

Did you knead your soul in it?

Would you serve it warm or cold?

Have you tried to re-heat it? How did that work out?

And after you ate it, were you re-born again?

If you cook something new everyday

A week from now you’ll look back and feel nauseated.

A year from now you won’t recognize it at all.

A decade from now you’d advise your children against it.

So why worry if what you cooked today is tasteless?

Dismember it into tiny pieces and

Eat it all.

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Irina Toma
schoolgirl act

Shedding skin

And breathing light

Peel my soul

With appetite.

One by one

It all comes off

There’s no skin,

No bone, no cough.

Standing naked

With no shame

Feeling fearless

About the flame.

Even if

It comes to burn

Make the fire

I won’t turn.

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Irina Toma
my superpower

I can look you dead in the face

laser-blast your pain away.

Hide yourself in outer-space,

I’ll come fishing for my prey.

Hide yourself in plain sight,

I’ll blow-up the dynamite.

Cut-out cardboard of your hight

Will replace the burial site.

Near or far, we flock together,

Superheroes – they might say.

But on very stormy weather,

I will slay the clouds abay.

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Irina Toma

We were measuring the distances between chakras

with a wooden ruler the size of my thumb.

We had to stop the charade and call “abracadabra”

for all of the light to return to one solid hum.

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Irina Toma
Lucky no. 2

In the world of plenty

All I ever like is 2.

Hopefully no entry

And a window too few.

Sometimes there’s a 3rd,

Just a blurred spectator

Validating from beyond,

Math-less narrator.

All the numbers in the array,

Prime, irrational alike,

Form a tiny sobbing portray

Over our famous twice.

Twice the soul

And twice the spirit

Twice the thunder

Striking the digit.

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Irina TomaComment